Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Milan lagi mengincar Cédric Mongongu
[suzuki-2wheels] Reg.Banten Berduka
Dari milist
[Undangan Terbuka] Halal Bihalal Spinner Community
From spinner-community milist
Dear All Spinners,
Undangan ini ditujukan bagi semua penghuni milis spinner ini, baik yang
sudah menjadi member SC maupun yg belum...
Kami, pengurus SC mengundang seluruh teman2 penghuni milis dan anggota
aktif Spinner Community all Region, untuk menghadiri Halal
sekalian silahturahmi seluruh member SC dan pecinta serta pengguna motor
Suzuki Spin, pada :
hari Jum'at
tgl. 2 Oktober 2009
di Roti Bakar Edi Prapanca
Dalam acara ini pula, pengurus akan meng-infokan beberapa hal dan agenda
SC ke depan yang sifatnya PENTING..
Mohon konfirmasi dari rekan2 untuk kehadiran maupun ketidakhadirannya by
SMS ke no.085692266296 atau lewat milis ini!!
Best Regards,
Debby 022
Monday, September 28, 2009
Milan in talk for McDonald Mariga
a 22-year-old box-to-box midfielder.
Braida will also speak to Parma about the future of Alberto Paloschi.
FW: [spinner-community] Fw: Berita Duka Cita
Hope he get his place in the side of god
Solat jumat
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 2:35 PM
Subject: [spinner-community] Fw: Berita Duka Cita
Telah Meninggal Dunia, salah satu anggota GMT (Grand Motor Team Jakarta),yg
bernama IYUS, karena kecelakaan di daerah Probolinggo dalam perjalanan
pulang touringBALI - JAKARTA, Mohon doanya agar arwah beliau diterima
disisiAllah SWT..amin
Best Regards,
Debz 022
Sent from my SpinnieBerryR Japelin 8900
powered by Kuatnya Jamu Nyonya Meneer
-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 07:34:05
To: <>
Subject: Berita Duka Cita
Sent from my SpinnieBerryR Japelin 8900
powered by Kuatnya Jamu Nyonya Meneer
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
error merging partition with partition magic
C and D
after merging, there was an error message
but I could not read all
can not bla bla batch file
press any key to reboot
I pressed any key and got the laptop rebooted.
but then It could not load the windows :(
just a black screen
nothing happen
I have no idea what to do
my data are in there
any one can help me with this issue?
Friday, September 25, 2009
kekurangan Suzuki SPIN 125
sebelum anda memutuskan untuk membeli, silahkan baca review singkat dibawah ini
Suzuki SPIN dilengkapi dengan CC 125, bisa menjadi nilai plus dan nilai negative
nilai negative karena ada kemungkinan boros bahan bakar
tapi jangan khawatir, ada beberapa tips mengendara yang bisa sedikit masalah ini
kelebihan lainnya adalah bobot yang ringan, cocok untuk cewek atau pengendara yang menyukai tunggangan ringan
hal yang paling menjadi nilai negative, dismaping nilai positive yang segambreng, adalah rem belakang yang tidak pakem. saya tidak mengerti kenapa suzuki tidak merevisi hal ini
tapi masalah ini bisa diatasi dengan mengganti kampas rem dengan kampas RX King atau thunder. tapi tetap saja menambah kerjaan
selain masalah rem belakang, menurut saya suzuki spin 125 sangat layak untuk dibeli
mudah2an bermanfaat
Suarez is linked with Barcelona
The Uruguay international told El Mundo Deportivo: "It gives me great pride. We are not talking about any club, we are talking of FC Barcelona, the best club in the world and the best team playing football today with Pep Guardiola.
"It would be fantastic to play for Barcelona one day but for now all I have got is what you have written and nothing official from the club.
"So I'll keep quiet at Ajax, I am very happy here in Amsterdam and I still have three years of my contract.
"But, of course, I would love to see myself one day in Barcelona and a Barcelona player."
Fire in Jatinegara , Jakarta
but this accident made a traffic Jam in area around the location of the fire
Jakarta, 25 September 2009
Heavy Rain in Jakarta
Some areas are reported is flooded.
Let's hope and pray for the best
Semangat Jakarta
serahkan pada ahlinya
Jakarta, 25 september 2009
Heavy Rain in Jakarta
Hope everything will be Okay
Semangat buat Jakarta!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Top 10 footballer with highest wage
1. Ricardo Kaká – Real Madrid/SPA- €9 million
2. Robinho – Manchester City/ING - €7.65 million
3. Diego Ribas – Juventus/ITA - €7 million
4. Ronaldinho – Milan/ITA - €6.5 million
5. Deco de Souza – Chelsea/ING - €6 million
6. Rivaldo – Bunyodkor/UZB - €5 million
7. Roberto Carlos – Fenerbahçe/TUR - €4.5 million
8. Cris – Lyon/FRA - € 4.2 million
9. Nelson Dida – Milan/ITA - €4 million
10. Cristiano Doni – Roma/ITA - €4 million
kaka and robinho. the number one and number two footballer with highes wage
forza milan
Udinese beat Milan 1-0