

Friday, October 22, 2010

AADCP II Consulting Opportunity for Supporting the Implementation of the Roadmap for the Integration of Logistics Services: Priorities and Action Plans (Re-Advertised)

Closing date: 15 November 2010

The ASEAN Secretariat and Australia, through the AADCP II, invites interested
consulting firms to submit a proposal on the above-referenced study for a
medium-term (4 months) consultancy.

Logistics services are a vital component of ASEAN’s global competitiveness.
Supply chains and location of foreign direct investments (FDIs) within the
region are dependent on them. The ASEAN logistics market has been expanding
driven mainly by the growth of international trade under the auspices of
growing trade liberalization and economic integration, continued shift of
gravity of international trade towards East Asia, the economic rise of China,
growing regionalism of Asia and the growth in outsourcing of logistics
functions. On the other hand, the ASEAN logistics industry is also facing
challenges arising from globalization, significant advances in transport
technology,increasing ship size, and inter-modalism.

Both the Logistic Performance Indexes (LPI) for 2007 and 2010 support the notion
that better logistics performance is strongly associated with trade expansion,
export diversification, ability to attract FDIs and economic growth.
Specifically, for countries at the same level of per capita income, those with
the best logistics performance experience additional growth: 1% in gross
domestic product and 2% in trade (WB, 2010).

In seeking to enhance competitiveness through an improved logistics chain, ASEAN
adopted the Roadmap for the Integration of Logistics Services in 2007.
Subsequently, a study was commissioned in 2009 to look at progress in
implementing the roadmap and to identify constraints and the underlying factors
of any implementation gap.

Needs and Objectives
Improving logistics performance is especially relevant to ASEAN Member
States(AMS) considering the need to boost recovery from the crisis and to meet
the challenges of competition so that ASEAN can emerge stronger and more
competitive. A review of earlier studies have identified where gaps and areas
for improvement exists in. In addition, these studies have provided a myriad of
recommendations intended to foster the integration of the ASEAN logistics
sector. The objective of the current study is to:
· prioritize the existing recommendations from earlier logistics studies;
· develop workplans, identify specific action programs, implementation
arrangements and capacity building plans at both regional and national levels;

· validate these recommendations and workplans, action programs and
implementation arrangements with the relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies and working

The following outputs will be produced as part of the study:
· Inception Report which contains an overall approach to the work,
detailed workplan, and management plan;
· Interim Report that shows the prioritized recommendations and initial
workplans, action programs and implementation arrangements (including timing,
sequencing and resources needed), both at the regional and national levels;
· Presentation and discussion with relevant sectoral bodies and working
groups to review the Interim Report, validate the results and seek agreement to
the recommendations, workplans, action programs and implementation arrangements;
· Revised Interim Report to be circulated to ASEC, sectoral bodies and
working groups for final comments;
· Final Report which should contain :
o An abstract and executive summary;
o The main body of the report containing information collected, analyses
undertaken and key conclusions on current gaps and areas for improvement in the
ASEAN logistics sector at the regional and country levels;
o Compilation and prioritization of recommendations primarily from earlier
studies to improve logistics performance in AMSs and the region as a whole;and,
o Workplans, action programs including capacity building, and implementation
arrangements covering the priority areas.
· Policy Brief for AADCP II publications
· Project Completion Report

The bidder must demonstrate the following qualifications:
· Proven track record of experience in research, activity design and
delivering technical assistance, including effective capacity-building, related
to logistics services;
· In-depth experience and knowledge of logistics services and
integration and of the political economy and other factors affecting reforms;
· Detailed understanding and wide experience across sectoral and
importantly the cross-cutting, including economy-wide, issues affecting ASEAN
logistics development and performance;
· Proven skills in data analysis, assessment and in related policy

· Proven skills in report writing and conversing in English;
· Extensive experience in dealing with senior government officials,
parliamentarians and other identified stakeholders;

· Thorough understanding of ASEAN, ASEC and AADCP processes.

Visit our website at for further information
on job specifications and application procedures.



Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vacancy in Oxfam GB East Asia Region

Regional Humanitarian Coordinator
REF : 4129
Level B, Zone 2(Global)

Oxfam Great Britain East Asia Region

Who are we?

Globally Oxfam Great Britain is an agency with a passion and ability to

inequality and suffering a thing of the past. Within East Asia Oxfam

is recognised as a leading development and humanitarian organisation,
with a
successful track record which stretches over 50 years in Cambodia,
Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

We are currently looking for a dynamic individual to deliver high
Humanitarian programmes thorough proactive leadership, management,
support to

with others, and the lens of the Regional Change Strategy

The Role:

The Regional Humanitarian Coordinator plays a key leadership role in the
in relation to Humanitarian response, preparedness and advocacy both at
and regional level. It is required to develop long-term vision and
planning to achieve significant impact in the humanitarian programme
leadership on the implementation of the Regional Humanitarian Strategy.

East Asia looks at capacity and response from 2 angles - from a regional


level with the Regional Centre and Countries contributing and from an
International perspective, ensuring that all Humanitarian activities are

a cross affiliate dimension

The requirements:
* At least five years experience of humanitarian response work in a
range of
environments - including experience of field-level management of complex


response programmes; and all phases of the project/programme cycle;
* Demonstrable skills in gender analysis in humanitarian response or
preparedness programming, and a clear understanding of the practical

of gender issues in humanitarian environments;
* Demonstrable experience of policy and advocacy strategy development in

relation to humanitarian response work.
* Demonstrated facilitation, coaching/ capacity building & training
including the ability to influence teams when acting, as an external
* Demonstrated ability to think strategically, a high level of
* Excellent interpersonal /team skills, and an ability to work
* Fluent English. Knowledge of other major language of the region would
* Demonstrated financial management skills;
* Ability to manage competing demands and produce results under
* Demonstrated commitment to equal opportunities, including gender
* Willingness and ability to travel frequently (at least 3 months per
likely to be more at beginning of job, or at times when a major
response is underway).

How to apply?

We will provide a highly competitive salary, accommodation and benefit
If you believe you are the candidate we are looking for, please apply
online at using the job Reference INT 4129
The closing date: October 22nd, 2010 Only short listed will be

Monday, September 27, 2010



Yamaha Lexam diisukan akan masuk ke Indonesia. Yamaha Lexam akan menggilas Honda Revo Techno AT.


Segmen pasar sepeda motor otomatis (matik) dalam tiga tahun terakhir terus meningkat. Melihat potensi itu Astra Honda Motor telah meluncurkan Revo Techno AT sebagai sepeda motor bebek otomatis. Nah, langkah Honda telah diintai Yamaha dan sebentar lagi, diisukan, akan melepas Yamaha Lexam di Indonesia.


Jika ditelusuri, Yamaha telah mempunyai produk sepeda motor bebek otomatis dengan nama Yamaha Lexam sejak November 2009. Lexam dipasarkan di Vietnam.


Kabar ‘burung’ yang berkembang, YMKI akan merilis Lexam akhir tahun ini. Sayangnya, belum ada konfirmasi resmi dari pihak YMKI, termasuk nama yang akan digunakan sepeda motor bebek otomatis ini di Indonesia.


Lexam dibekali mesin 113,7 cc degan basis Yamaha Vega ZR, menggunakan sistem transmisi continuously variable transmission (CVT). Mesin SOHC Injeksi ini mampu menghasilkan tenaga 8,40 hp pada 8.000 rpm dengan torsi 8,23 Nm pada 6.500 rpm.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Beasiswa Eka Tjipta Foundation

Program Beasiswa S1 adalah beasiswa yang diberikan bagi mahasiswa baru
strata 1 (S1) dalam negeri yang mempunyai prestasi akademis yang baik tetapi
mempunyai keterbatasan finansial untuk tahun 2010.

*Pendaftaran Program ditutup 11 Oktober 2010*

*Persyaratan Calon Penerima Beasiswa*

1. Warga Negara Indonesia.
2. Usia tidak lebih dari 20 tahun pada bulan Juli 2010.
3. Memiliki nilai akademik rata-rata 7,00 selama SMA (semester 1 s/d 6).
4. Pada saat pengajuan lamaran beasiswa, tidak sedang menerima beasiswa
dari organisasi/institusi manapun.
5. Dinyatakan lulus sebagai siswa SMA atau setara yang dibuktikan dengan
ijasah atau Surat Pernyataan Bukti Kelulusan dari sekolah.
6. Atau terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa tingkat I pada salah satu perguruan
tinggi yang menjadi mitra ETF untuk program Beasiswa S1.

*Cakupan Beasiswa*

1. Biaya pendaftaran ke perguruan tinggi dimana pendaftar telah diterima.
2. Biaya kuliah, tergantung dengan perguruan tinggi yang dipilih.
3. Uang saku, untuk mendukung biaya hidup selama masa kuliah.
4. Tunjangan lain untuk kelancaran studi.

*Sekilas Informasi Program Beasiswa S1*
Apa saja yang menjadi cakupan Program Beasiswa S1?

1. Biaya kuliah S1 di berbagai jurusan di perguruan tinggi negeri dan
luar negeri yang menjadi mitra Eka Tjipta Foundation.
2. Tunjangan biaya hidup per bulan.
3. Tunjangan untuk mendukung kelancaran studi.

*Apakah program Beasiswa S1 mempunyai ikatan kerja?*

1. Ikatan kerja yang diberlakukan adalah ikatan kerja untuk bekerja di
Indonesia minimal selama lima (5) tahun sejak menyelesaikan studi.

*Siapa saja yang boleh mendaftar?*

1. Lulusan SMA atau setara yang telah lulus seleksi di 10 perguruan
tinggi negeri mitra rujukan program Beasiswa S1 dan memiliki prestasi
akademik dan non-akademik.
2. Atau mahasiswa S1 semester pertama di 10 perguruan tinggi negeri mitra
program Beasiswa S1 yang berprestasi akademik dan non akademik.

*Berapa lama beasiswa program Beasiswa S1 diberikan?*

1. Beasiswa program Beasiswa S1 paling lama diberikan selama delapan (8)
2. Selama mengikuti program Beasiswa S1, minimum IPK yang harus dicapai
di akhir semester genap adalah 3.0 dari skala 4.0.

*Mengapa peserta program Beasiswa S1 diwajibkan untuk membayar iuran
Keberhasilan dan keberlanjutan program beasiswa termasuk program Beasiswa S1
memerlukan keterlibatan aktif para penerima beasiswa dalam mengumpulkan dana
bagi pemberian beasiswa atau program terkait lainnya bagi adik-adik kelasnya
yang memiliki keterbatasan finansial.

*Mitra Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Program Beasiswa S1*

1. Universitas Indonesia
2. Universitas Gajah Mada
3. Universitas Padjadjaran
4. Universitas Airlangga
5. Universitas Brawijaya
6. Universitas Diponegoro
7. Universitas Sumatera Utara
8. Institut Pertanian Bogor
9. Institut Teknologi Bandung
10. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November

*Prosedur Pendaftaran:*

1. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang bisa di download
2. Formulir dikirim bersama dengan dokumen pendukung, yaitu:
- Data Akademis (Ijazah/Transkrip/Rapor SMA)
- Data Kondisi Ekonomi Keluarga (Surat keterangan Penghasilan Orangtua
dan rekening listrik 3 bulan terakhir)
- Data prestasi yang diraih (piagam penghargaan)

Formulir pendaftaran dan Dokumen pendukung dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal
11 Oktober 2010 ke alamat:

Eka Tjipta Foundation
Plaza BII Tower II Lantai 33
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 51
Jakarta 10350
up: Ibu Monika



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